
as i surrender a step further,
my entire world is getting bigger.

layers are being peeled off.

i am being shown a new reality.
one that was here all along,
but my eyes weren’t yet ready to see.

my prayers are being answered.
one by one. doors opening.

inviting me to step into
this next version of myself.

there is no point resisting.
no matter how much my mind
wants to make sense of it
and control the process.

it is a time for letting go.
time to wholeheartedly
enter the dance.
let myself be guided.

allow my body to move.
my heart to be broken open.

it is a time where
patience and perseverance
are being rewarded.

i am being asked to receive.
to embrace the unknown.

to keep following the clues
while understanding
that i have already arrived.

i am the constant actualisation
of a dream once expressed.

i am my past, present
and future self.

floating and glowing
on a sacred island
beyond space and time.

interconnected, held
and forever
being taken care of.
